Vertigo Sufferers Finding Lasting, Natural Relief

Vertigo episodes can be difficult to describe if you’ve never experienced one. Vertigo is a false sensation of movement and can feel as if either you are spinning or the environment is spinning around you. The onset of an episode can be slow and with warning or can come on very suddenly. The following conditions contribute the majority of vertigo cases:

  • Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) – This is the most common cause of vertigo, which occurs as a result of calcium buildup in the inner ear. This disturbance in the inner ear distorts signals to the brain about your body’s sense of balance.
  • Labyrinthitis – This vertigo-inducing condition is usually related to a viral infection, causing inflammation around the nerves in the inner ear.
  • Meniere’s disease – Meniere’s sufferers experience vertigo along with pressure in the ear, changes in hearing and tinnitus. A buildup of fluid within the inner ear that affects pressure also distorts the body’s ability to maintain its balance properly.

Vertigo and Your Upper Cervical Spine

These common causes of vertigo have one thing in common – the interruption of signals to the brain that communicate information about how the body is positioned. This is part of the system that contributes to our sense of balance, and when this is off, vertigo can occur. A solution that has been seeing success with helping to address the root cause of vertigo is upper cervical chiropractic care. This specialized area of chiropractic focuses on the vertebrae that sit just beneath the skull and behind the ear, the atlas (C1) and axis (C2).

Atlas misalignments can be caused by any type of trauma to the head or neck, including car accidents, slips and falls, sports injury, and the accumulative effects of poor posture over time. Misalignments in the upper cervical spine cause irritation to nerves that connect the brain and spinal cord, resulting in vertigo symptoms. The goal of upper cervical chiropractic is to correct the misalignments that are contributing to irritation within the central nervous system so that normal function can be resumed, allowing the body to heal. This specific type of correction can lead to the reduction or even the elimination of vertigo and its associated symptoms.



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